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Nakambale Museum & Rest Camp

Nakambale Museum and Rest Camp afford an insight into the Owambo culture and Finnish Missionary. The museum offers a large variety of exhibits, photos and texts. Everything is explained on a guided tour which also includes the old mission church and the typical Ndonga homestead. You can also spend the night in one of the huts of the Oshindonga homestead. Alternatively, the campsite next to the homestead offers five brand-new tents, including beds and beddings.

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Nakambale Mission House

If you want to know more about Nakambale, the church, Namibian history and Owambo culture, the museum is definitely worth seeing. The museum offers a large variety of exhibits, photos and texts.

Nakambale Campsite

At Nakambale Museum & Restcamp, you can experience unforgettable nights close to nature in the traditional huts, tents and a spacious area which can be used for camping by visitors.

Ondonga Traditional Homestead

A very special part of the museum is a full-scale traditional Ndonga homestead – an open air museum of its own. In the homestead, you can enjoy Owambo food and domestic activities.